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When you reach a certain point in your life and many of your goals haven’t been realized, it can be very discouraging. It feels as though God has been silent or even worse has totally forgotten about you and His purpose for your life. But you couldn’t be more wrong!!  God is still speaking to you – whether you’re almost 40, turning 50 or having celebrating your 61st birthday.

As for me, God has my attention more so now than He did when I was in my 20s and 30s. I considered that “Me Time”…the years that I devoted to trying to get what I wanted and trying to bend God to my will.

Now, after entirely too much trial and error, I’ve devoted my life to God’s will…I’ve learned to bend and flow at His whim.

Although in order to have that kind of mindset shift, I had to come to the conclusion that God had not forgotten about me and was still speaking to me about my purpose on Earth. Here are a few ways He may trying to get your attention and speak to you as well.

Feeling Unsettled:
Have you ever felt that gnawing sense that you should be doing something more with your life? Midlife is considered the “Prime” of your life – the time of your greatest relevance and significance.

Unfortunately it’s not happening for many women – Christian or not. The difference for Christian women, however, is that God is using this gnawing or void to get your attention.

What you seek is not in a new job or a promotion or a new business – it’s in the Creator Himself. He put in you – on the day He thought you into existence – the desire to come back to Him.

That is what that unsettled feeling is all about – God using the Holy Spirit to call you back to Him…that is God speaking to you. As the scripture says “…the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26b

Mishaps and Misdirection:
For years I attempted to grow my counseling and training business. Some years would be great and others not so much.

I knew God had called me down that path, so I couldn’t understand why He wouldn’t let me be “successful” in it. He was misdirecting me because I now know that I had completed that assignment and it was time for the next one.

It took me a while to understand especially since I had spent so much time, energy and money attempting to grow that business.

If you find yourself constantly being thwarted in your attempts in a certain direction – this may be God changing your direction or giving a new goal to focus on.

Failure and Disappointment 
God uses our experiences – especially our failures and disappointments to speak to us.

Moses is an excellent example. He attempted to valiantly vindicate his Hebrew brethren but wound up committing murder. In doing so, he had to flee a royal life to live the life of a shepherd. It was only after that was God able to raise Him up to lead the Israelites out of bondage toward the promised Land. (Read Exodus)

Whatever area of your failures, know that God is going to use every drip drop of it to bring you toward your reason for being alive.

God is still speaking to you about your purpose! Don't are some ways to better discern His voice!

Unrealized and Dormant Gifts & Talents
Surprisingly – many women in the middle of life have no idea what their spiritual gifting is. Or they may know their talents but are unsure what greater purpose it may serve.

God speaks when He’s given you that talent or gift – however, it is up to you to continually seek Him to find out what the gifting is for. That will require you to devote time and energy to listening to Him and finding different ways to serve others with it.

Maybe your knack for organizing your children’s closets would also serve a women’s shelter in need of help with their clothing closet. You might have been a teacher for 20 years and loved telling stories to your students…maybe God’s purpose is for you to write children’s books that will be foundational for the rest of their lives.

Whatever it is – God is speaking to you in a gift fit for the next task.

Have you ever felt like it was too late to find your calling? Learn 5 ways that God is still speaking to your regardless of your age!

Sacrifice and Surrender
If you’ve read any of my blog posts, you know that Sacrifice and Surrender are two very important words to me. They have been tremendous in my spiritual growth and finding my own God-given purpose.

God speaks through those things that we must let go of by turning them into opportunities to trust Him.

This allows you to shift your thought process from “what I have to let go of” to “what miraculous thing God is going to do“. He uses our sacrifice and surrender – which can be fasting, removing toxic relationships, letting go of unforgiveness – to get us to become more of who He called us to be so that we can begin to walk in purpose.

A good question to ask yourself on a regular basis – what I am I holding on to so tightly that it may be keeping me from hearing God?

These all may seem negative but when you begin to see from God’s perspective you realize that these are all opportunities that He’s set up to take you to the next level in your walk of faith and in living the GreatBIG Life! God is still speaking to you…take some time to be aware of His voice!

Are you wondering if God still has a purpose in mind for you? He does and He is speaking to you all of the time. Learn the 5 ways that God still speaks to you!

Do you believe that God is still speaking to you about your purpose? Are there signs you may have missed hearing His instructions? Let me know in the comments…I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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